
De - Wiki Hispano

En proceso de desarrollo...

El formato de ficheros CNML guarda información sobre los nodos de la red guifi, como sus coordenadas, su hardware o enlaces con otros nodos. A día de hoy no contamos con una aplicación de escritorio que permita extraer, consultar y visualizar estos datos. El objetivo es desarrollar dicha aplicación, que permitiría consultar la topografía de la red de sin tener conexión a internet.

Podría ser también un primer paso para desarrollar un cliente que permitiera a los usuarios modificar datos de sus nodos mediante una API de sin tener que pasar por la web.

Lo que empecé a desarrollar en verano de 2011:



Name: Pablo Castellano
Project title: CNML Explorer

Contact/working info

Timezone: UTC+2
Typical working hours: I prefer evenings and late nights
IRC or IM networks/handle(s): pablog@FreeNode, my email address also as Jabber account

Project summary

In order to understand better this project, you need to know first what is CNML. You can have a look to this article.

Cnml explorer2.png Cnml explorer1.png

About you

I'm currently studying Computers Engineering in the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). I'm a geek and free software supporter who has been dealing with Linux since I was 13 (now I'm 23). I enjoy working in projects with social benefits. My favorite programming languages are Python and C.

Participating in GSoC is one of the things I wanted to do during my academic life. It's very exciting and is a big community which I like and needs more developers. Last year I tried to participate in the Mediawiki project but it was a very hasty decision and finally I didn't.


Required deliverables

If time permits

Project schedule

Community Bonding Period

Official Coding Period


  • I will reach my mentor mostly by email to discuss all important things about the development. In emergency cases I would also phone him/her :D.
  • People will be able to consult my code as I will set up a Git repository where I will commit.
  • I will write a blog post about my progresses once a week.
  • I will also idle in #guifi IRC channel to get in touch with the community.
  • I will be listening for comments and suggestions.

Past open source experience

I'm a GNOME developer and member of the GNOME Foundation, which is the biggest project I have contributed. I have experience working with other open source projects. You can see my contributions to open source projects at my ohloh account.

I try to fix every annoying bug I find in software daily.

I like attending to free software events. I have attended to DebConf9 and Fosdem 2010 among others.

Any other info