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En proceso de desarrollo...

El formato de ficheros CNML guarda información sobre los nodos de la red guifi, como sus coordenadas, su hardware o enlaces con otros nodos. A día de hoy no contamos con una aplicación de escritorio que permita extraer, consultar y visualizar estos datos. El objetivo es desarrollar dicha aplicación, que permitiría consultar la topografía de la red de sin tener conexión a internet.

Podría ser también un primer paso para desarrollar un cliente que permitiera a los usuarios modificar datos de sus nodos mediante una API de sin tener que pasar por la web.

Lo que empecé a desarrollar en verano de 2011:



Name: Pablo Castellano
Project title: CNML Explorer

Contact/working info

Timezone: UTC+2
Typical working hours: I prefer evenings and late nights
IRC or IM networks/handle(s): pablog@FreeNode, my email address also as Jabber account

Project summary

What is CNML?

CNML is an XML-based specification designed for deploying mesh clouds. This way, different network communities can export/import/explore the data from other network using the same file schema.

Although the specification is not finished, networks like have already implemented it and you can download the CNML of zones and single nodes.

A CNML file contains information about nodes of the network. These data are things like coordinates of the node location, what hardware it uses and what services it offers, if any.

CNML and implementation:

Cnml1.png Cnml2.png

Real CNML examples:

Cnml detail.png Cnml nodes.png Cnml zones.png

CNML Explorer proof of concept:

Cnml explorer2.png Cnml explorer1.png

About you

I'm currently studying Computers Engineering in the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). I'm a geek and free software supporter who has been dealing with Linux since I was 13 (now I'm 23). I enjoy working in projects with social benefits. My favorite programming languages are Python and C.

Participating in GSoC is one of the things I wanted to do during my academic life. It's very exciting and is a big community which I like and needs more developers. Last year I tried to participate in the Mediawiki project but it was a very hasty decision and finally I didn't.


Required deliverables

If time permits

Project schedule

Community Bonding Period

Official Coding Period


  • I will reach my mentor mostly by email to discuss all important things about the development. In emergency cases I would also phone him/her :D.
  • People will be able to consult my code as I will set up a Git repository where I will commit.
  • I will write a blog post about my progresses once a week.
  • I will also idle in #guifi IRC channel to get in touch with the community.
  • I will be listening for comments and suggestions.

Past open source experience

I'm a GNOME developer and member of the GNOME Foundation, which is the biggest project I have contributed. I have experience working with other open source projects. You can see my contributions to open source projects at my ohloh account.

I try to fix every annoying bug I find in software daily.

I like attending to free software events. I have attended to DebConf9 and Fosdem 2010 among others.

Any other info